
The Mentor’s Way Rule #5: Balance Empathy and Action

By Rik Nemanick, Ph.D. This post is the fifth in the series The Mentor’s Way, a set of guides for mentors who want to bring out the best in others. As trust grows between a mentor and a protégé, the mentor will notice a change in the types of issues the protégé wants to discuss. The issues often become more complex, demanding, or recurring. Because of their more challenging nature, they usually also are more emotionally charged. In fact, this change is often a signal to a mentor that trust has built to the point that the protégé feels comfortable brining these...
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Accelerated Mentoring Webinar

Mentoring is one of the most powerful ways to advance your career. Most successful people can point to a mentor who helped them at a critical point in their careers. But, getting started with a mentor can be a slow process. Join Rik Nemanick for this webinar on Accelerated Mentoring that will help you maximize your mentoring partnership and make it more powerful.   Who should attend: This webinar is for mentors or protégés who want to accelerate the impact of their mentoring partnerships. The webinar will help both those in formal mentoring programs and those who are looking for informal...
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The Mentor’s Way Rule #4: Good Questions Beat Good Advice

by Rik Nemanick, Ph.D. This post is the fourth in the series The Mentor’s Way, a set of guides for mentors who want to bring out the best in others. Often when we think of mentors, we think of people who dispense wise advice. After all, your mentor is someone who has more experience than you and can give you guidance on what to do. Many mentoring partnerships begin with a piece of sound advice that helps establish a mentor’s credibility. Over the long run, however, advice can become a trap for a mentor. Mentors who only give advice miss an opportunity...
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The Mentor’s Way Rule #3: Create a Safe Place

by Rik Nemanick, Ph.D. This post is the third in the series The Mentor’s Way, a set of guides for mentors who want to bring out the best in others. Many mentors think their primary job is to give advice to their protégés. While advice can be an important tool of mentoring (although not as powerful as asking questions as we’ll see in the next rule of mentoring), the mentors that are most successful focus on building trust with a protégé. Every time I talk to mentors and protégés who had effective and satisfying experiences, they point to the trust that they...
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