Leadership Development Strategy

The Situation

When an organization has a healthy leadership culture, it can communicate a consistent vision, drive disciplined execution, respond to change, and retain critical talent. Many times, a company’s leadership culture is taken for granted and not actively tended. The development of current and future leaders can become disjointed and disorganized, and the leadership culture is no longer aligned with the overall strategy. Instead of pursuing a mission, leaders manage their silos and become reactive to change. Over time, the organization becomes trapped in what organizational theorists call “active inertia”, where leaders are focused on maintaining the status quo of what made them successful in the past instead of what will drive success going forward.

Our Solution

Building a leadership culture that is aligned with strategy takes a disciplined process that looks at all of the elements that support and maintain the culture. We help by leading a systematic process that is co-created with the organization’s leaders and focused on the organization’s strategic priorities. We help clients articulate their unique definition of leadership and design a leadership strategy that will help the definition permeate the company’s leadership ranks. Our goals are to help our clients:

  • Define what effective leadership looks like
  • Design the systems and processes that will support that definition
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the systems to ensure strategic alignment.

Our Process

  • Our process begins with an understanding of the organization’s strategy, including its mission, vision, and strategic goals.
  • We then conduct an audit of existing leadership development tools and processes that are already in place to define the current state.
  • We help clients update existing processes and design new ones as well as link them together in a holistic system.
  • We then establish feedback and evaluation systems to help monitor the effectiveness of the leadership systems.